Thursday, October 6, 2011

Home Care

Home Care Blotting procedure

Using A Soft Bristle Tooth Brush
• Press the dry bristles into the free margin of the gums to remove plaque, food and bacteria.

• Press dry bristles twenty times in each free margin area of the gums.

• Sip the soft bristles dry, or rinse with water and tap brush dry
between each of the 20 gum presses.

Using Dental Floss
• Looking in a mirror up close (about six inches away), run your dental
floss under the free margin of the gum.

• Use an up and down movement, then pull the floss out from between the

• Do not go back through the contacts.

• Next, use the Hydrofloss and irrigate with water to remove any loose
plaque, food and bacteria.

Click on for information on gingival cervicular fluid

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